How To Prevent Constipation
Traveling can cause constipation. Here's how to prevent it.
Dec. 22, 2013 -- How is it that something so good for your mental health can wreak such havoc on your digestive system? Yep, we're talking about traveler's constipation—a most unwelcome side effect of any getaway, courtesy of travel-induced changes to your diet, weird timing of your meals, and limited access to restrooms. Here's how to prevent this uncomfortable issue so you'll officially be one happy camper, flyer, driver...well, you get it. 19 Bizarre Home Remedies That Actually Work
quicklist: 1 category: How To Prevent Constipationtitle:Take your probioticsurl:text:Start popping probiotic supplements a few days before send-off. These healthy bacteria, found in foods like yogurt or kefir, can help reduce gas and bloating, issues that usually crop up because you consume less fiber and exercise less on holiday than you do at home. Your best bet may be probiotic capsules, which can have up to 10 times more probiotics than fortified foods.
quicklist: 2 category: How To Prevent Constipationtitle:Chew these before takeoffurl:text:Swallow some activated charcoal tablets before flying the friendly skies to help absorb gas, suggests gastroenterologist Patricia Raymond, MD. All that gum chewing and candy sucking you do to pop your ears could cause "jet bloat," she says. The higher the altitude, the more the gas in your body expands.
quicklist: 3category: How To Prevent Constipationtitle:Pack your own foodurl:text:You know nothing backs you up more than a greasy (and admittedly delicious) truck stop snack, but the discomfort it will cause you later simply isn't worth it. Whenever possible, pack a whole-wheat sandwich, a bag of trail mix, and easily portable (and fiber-filled!) fruits like apples and bananas.
quicklist: 4category: How To Prevent Constipationtitle:Drink upurl:text:When you arrive, drink plenty of water and consume at least 25 grams of fiber on a daily basis to keep things running smoothly. (Check out these easy ways to get more fiber.)