RESOURCES: Easy-to-Use Car Services for Elderly Drivers

Find a program that helps keep elderly drivers mobile and safe in your state.

Feb. 3, 2011— -- If you are concerned about the driving abilities of someone you know because of age or disabilities, there are solutions that will keep them from driving but not take away their mobility.

Below is a list of national and state resources that help provide car services for the elderly:


Gericare Finder: Provides information on car services across the nation. Allows you to search for individuals who provide car services for senior citizens in every region.

National Center on Senior Transportation

Care Pathways: Searches for transportation providers in various regions of the country.

Eldercare Locator: Searches for transportation providers in various regions of the country

National Transit Hotline: Provides lists of local transit providers who receive federal money to provide transportation to the elderly and people with disabilities (toll free): 1-800-527-827-8279


ALABAMA: Alabama Department of Senior Services

ALASKAHHS Transportation

ARIZONA Arizona Rides

ARKANSASDepartment of Human Services

CALIFORNIACalifornia Department of Aging

COLORADOPACE Program -- All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

CONNECTICUTDepartment of Social Services Aging Services Division State Unit on Aging

DELAWAREDelaware Heath and Social Services -- WHEELS

FLORIDAFlorida Department of Elder Affairs

GEORGIAGeorgia's Aging and Disability Resource Connection

HAWAIIHawaii Aging and Disability Resource Center

IDAHOIdaho Commission on Aging

ILLINOISIllinois Department on Aging

INDIANACommunity and Home Options to Institutional Care for the Elderly and Disabled (CHOICE)

IOWAIowa Department on Aging

KANSASKansas Department on Aging

KENTUCKY Kentucky Aging and Disability Resource Guide

LOUISIANAAging and Disability Resource Center

MAINEAging and Disability Resource Center

MARYLANDMaryland Department of Aging


MICHIGANAging Services of Michigan

MINNESOTAMinnesota Help

MISSISSIPPIMississippi Get Help

MISSOURIMissouri Aging Information Network

MONTANAMontana Disability & Health Program

NEBRASKAState Unit on Aging

NEVADANevada Department of Health and Human Services Aging & Disability Services Division

NEW HAMPSHIRENew Hampshire Aging and Disability Resource Center

NEW JERSEYNew Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Division of Aging and Community Services

NEW MEXICONew Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department

NEW YORKNew York State Office for the Aging

NORTH CAROLINANorth Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services

NORTH DAKOTANorth Dakota Adults and Aging Services

OHIODepartment of Aging

OKLAHOMAOklahoma Department of Human Services Aging Services Division

OREGONAging and Disability Resource Connection

PENNSYLVANIAPennsylvania Department of Aging

RHODE ISLANDDepartment of Elderly Affairs has a list of local agencies with transportation information.

SOUTH CAROLINAThe Office on Aging

SOUTH DAKOTADepartment of Social Services Aging and Disability Resource Connections

TENNESSEETennessee Commission on Aging and Disability Tennessee Connection

TEXASDepartment of Aging and Disability Services

UTAHUtah Aging and Disability Resource Center

VERMONTDivision of Disability and Aging Services

VIRGINIAVirginia Department for the Aging

WASHINGTONAging and Disability Services Administration

WEST VIRGINIAWest Virginia Aging & Disability Resource Centers

WISCONSINGreater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources

WYOMINGWyoming Department of Health Aging Division