How Raising California Smoking Age Could Save Lives

Experts discuss how changing law could save lives.

— -- A California bill that could potentially raise the smoking age to 21 could have a wide-ranging effect on young adult health in the state, according to experts.

Many smokers start as teens, even before they are legally of age to purchase cigarettes, but experts say if the age is raised to 21, it could help stop some teens from becoming addicted to cigarettes.

“This is California’s chance to make history by drastically reducing Big Tobacco’s ability to target and poison our youth. We will no longer stand idly by while they continue to get generation after generation addicted,” said Sen. Ed Hernandez in a statement. “We need to make this happen for the sake of our children and the overall health of our state.”

One 2015 report by the Institution of Medicine attempted to break down how raising the age to buy tobacco products would translate into lives saved. The report said that 90 percent of smokers start before they are 19.

They found that raising the legal age to buy tobacco products would help cut teen smoking, since an 18-year-old high school senior would no longer be able to legally buy cigarettes for their friends.

"The majority of underage users rely on social sources -- like family and friends -- to get tobacco," the report noted.

Stanton Glantz ,a professor of tobacco control at the University of California San Francisco, said the legislation as a whole was "stunning" and could have major impacts if it's approved.

"The industry, the way they do their marketing is they target the youngest legal age they and in a way that will spill down," said Glantz of the tobacco industry. "By moving the age up to 21 it will make it much harder for the tobacco companies to reach teenagers."

"Very few people start smoking after they’re 21," he said.

Glantz pointed out that many teens experiment with smoking but that the years between 18 and 21 are crucial, since it's when these smokers become fully addicted.

"It changes the way the brain develops when adolescents smoke in ways that are permanent or nearly permanent," Glantz said. "To the extent that this measure reduces the amount of nicotine use by adolescents is going to have tremendous long term smokers."