High Dioxin Levels Found in Food
H O U S T O N, March 30, 2001 -- From their food, Americans are exposed to 22 times the suggested maximum level of dioxin, says a new study.
The study says levels of dioxin — among the most toxicsubstances on Earth — remain high in the U.S. foodsupply although they have declined in the environment.
In food samples from around the country scientistsat the University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston foundno decline from test samples taken more than a decade ago.
Through food alone, Americans are getting 22 times the maximumdioxin exposure suggested by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, the study based on the scientists' work said.
Worse for Nursing Infants
Among nursing infants, that level is 35 to65 times the recommended dosage.
“It means we still have to tighten up and clean up ourenvironment more than it is right now,” said Dr. Arnold Schecter,who directed the study. “We have to reduce the highly toxic,persistent chemicals in the environment.”
Meat and dairy products are considered the biggest sources.Dioxins concentrate in animal fat, and the best way to avoid themis to eat more fruits and vegetables.
“This is just one more reason for having less animal fats inour diets,” Schecter told the Houston Chronicle in today’seditions. “Blood samples from pure vegans, who consume no animalproducts, show that they have less dioxins in their bodies thanaverage Americans.”
Broiling Can Help
Broiling was the most effective cooking method of reducingdioxins, Schecter said.
Dioxins are a family of 219 toxic chemicals found in theenvironment mostly as a byproduct of industrial processes such assmelting, bleaching of paper pulp and manufacturing of someherbicides or pesticides.
Burning of plastics and toxic waste at high temperatures bymedical waste incinerators or kilns can also produce dioxins.
Contained in Agent Orange, dioxins are a toxic chemical known for causing variousforms of cancer. Occasional natural occurrences, such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires, can also produce them.