STAT Medical News: Weight Cited in Women's Heartburn

June 1, 2006

-- ACID REFLUX IN WOMEN The more a woman weighs, the more likely she is to report symptoms of acid reflux, Boston University researchers report today. Acid reflex is already well-known to be worse in obese people, but the new study finds a slight increase in risk to heavier normal-weight women as well -- anywhere from 38 percent to 200 percent higher when compared to very-thin women. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, these data are courtesy of the ongoing Nurses Health Study, which surveys more than 10,500 nurses about their health every two years.

WHEN MOMMA AIN'T HAPPY Neither are the kids, and this adage applies to both parents. Results from a 20-year study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry show that children of depressed parents are at higher risk for mental and physical health problems. Children of parents who struggled with depression reported three times more anxiety disorders and depression themselves, as well as four times higher rates of phobia. They were also five times as likely to report heart disease.

IVF SUCCESS IN OLDER WOMEN Older women ages 36 to 39 undergoing in vitro fertilization don't need multiple embryos implanted to have a successful pregnancy, finds a new study in Human Reproduction. Researchers find that older women have the same success as younger women when implanted with a single embryo -- about one-third become pregnant after a cycle of IVF.

STAT is a brief look at the latest medical research and is compiled by Joanna Schaffhausen, who holds a doctorate degree in behavioral neuroscience. She works in the ABC News Medical Unit, evaluating medical studies, abstracts and news releases.