Under The Needle: Many Men Get Botox

Men received 10 percent of the Botox injections last year.

July 7, 2007 — -- Botox has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the country. Fans of the anti-wrinkle treatment say it takes years off your age, and it's more socially acceptable than going under the knife.

But some may be surprised to learn that of the three million Americans who got the procedure last year, 10 percent were men.

Botox helps "Grey's Anatomy" heartthrob Patrick Dempsey stay McDreamy, and Donny Osmond says he's used it to keep his puppy love looks.

Even Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., reportedly used Botox to look more youthful on the 2004 campaign trail.

Doctors said more and more men are turning to what was once considered a woman's fountain of youth.

"He's competing for affection or money, so it's still a competition in our society for looks and better looking men get paid more and they get better looking girls," said plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Griffin.

R&B recording artist Norwood Young said Botox gives him confidence in a competitive industry.

"If a man goes to the gym, if a man buys skin care, aside from the metrosexual thing if a man cares about his appearance, I think he should do anything that's available to him," Young said.

But it's not just men in Hollywood looking for a leg up; 36-year-old father of two Brian Bouquet said it was his wife, who also gets Botox, who turned him onto the procedure.

"I think it's going to take a few years off and make him look just like he did when I married him," said Kandy Bouquet.

Brian Bouquet doesn't want to look old.

"I think it's going to give me a little more edge to myself when I walk into a room," he said. "I am in the marketing and promotions business. I deal with a very young staff all the time. I don't want to look like the old man in the crew."

Dr. Griffin said men are more hesitant to try treatments like Botox.

"Men are wimps when it comes to pain, so it fits their profile," he said. "We don't tolerate a dramatic change like women do."

For Brian Bouquet and Norwood Young, looking young will never get old.

"Everybody says men are supposed to age gracefully," Bouquet said. "I don't believe that. I think I can stay looking young."

Young sees Botox in his future until the day he dies.

"There is no need for me to not look my best," he said.

The price of Botox can vary from doctor to doctor, but normally each injection costs about $250. Most people will need multiple injections.

If you're not happy with the job, there is little need to worry. It wears off in three to four months.