Hidden Salt

Some foods in your kitchen that may pack a hefty load of sodium

Nov. 29, 2007— -- Physicians recommend limiting your daily salt intake to below 2,300 milligrams -- that's about 1 teaspoon of salt a day.

Most Americans consume about twice that amount -- 2 teaspoons a day. According to the American Medical Association, halving Americans' salt intake could save 150,000 lives every year.

Salt can be hard to avoid, even if you never pick up a salt shaker during your day. Experts say that three-fourths of the sodium we eat comes from packaged foods like pretzels or potato chips, not table salt.

The most effective way to cut back on sodium is to avoid foods with huge amounts of hidden salt.

Prepared Foods

They may be convenient but cans are a key culprit when it comes to your salt intake. You should try to eliminate the following prepared foods:

Soups, vegetables, chilies and pastas in cans or soup-powder mixes

Processed meats, shellfish and other seafood

Instant-cooked cereals

Frozen dinners like pot pies

Seasoning mixes (taco mixes, gravies and other sauces)

Pancake, muffin and other bread mixes

Salted butter or margarine

Salad dressing

Dutch-processed cocoa and instant cocoa mixes

Instant noodles, rice and potatoes

Health Foods

Even foods that sound healthy may be loaded with sodium. Check the labels on these "health foods" before you buy.

Soy protein foods products like marinated tofu or miso.

Processed cheeses including American, blue, Roquefort, Parmesan cheese, feta and cottage cheeses.

Milk-based drinks including buttermilk

Premade Asian foods made with teriyaki or soy sauce (unless you can control the sauce content)

Cold cereals containing 200 milligram or more of sodium

Even Sweets Have Salt

Even the sweetest of cakes, pies, cookies and pastries can contain a hefty dose of salt sometimes. Remember to check your labels.

Other resources

For more information on how to control your salt content, what you should be looking for on your labels and some low-salt recipes, click on the American Heart Association Web site.