6 Things Your Looks Say About Your Health

Got lackluster locks? Your body may be trying to tell you something.

— -- intro: Got lackluster locks? Or a scaly patch on an elbow? Your body may be trying to tell you something. "There are huge links between how we appear on the outside and what's happening inside," says Ramsey Markus, MD, associate professor of dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Even the most common beauty woes, like brittle nails and a dull complexion, can hint at issues beneath the surface. Give yourself a once-over for these six superficial signs you should see your doctor.

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quicklist: 2category: 6 Things Your Looks Say About Your Healthtitle: If You Have a Brittle Nailurl:text:It might mean: Fungus. It's disgusting but true -- your nail bed is a perfect home for fungi. "They like having a warm, moist layer of skin to feed off," Dr. Markus explains. When a parasite moves in, your nail may start to split or crumble at the edges. A derm might prescribe medication. It may also help to limit exposure to moisture by wearing gloves to do the dishes or changing socks after a workout.

If the nails on both hands are brittle, you can probably blame overzealous hand washing; a supplement could do the trick. Vitamins containing keratin, in particular, improve nail strength, according to a 2014 study.

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quicklist: 6category: 6 Things Your Looks Say About Your Healthtitle: If You Have Thinning Hairurl:text:It might mean: Hypothyroidism. When your thyroid gland is underactive, too many of your hair follicles go into resting mode. As strands naturally shed, they aren't replaced, and "women start to notice that their scalp is showing," Dr. Stallings says. Synthetic hormones and other remedies can help. Another possible culprit: low estrogen. For women in menopause, a B complex multi with collagen may restore thinning tresses, Dr. Stallings says. If you've just had a baby (another cause of an estrogen dip), don't fret: Your hair's volume should return to normal by the time your little one is six months old.

This article originally appeared on Health.com.