Tory Johnson's 'Shift': Her Weight-Loss Tips to Keeping It Off, One Year Later

The "GMA" contributor has now lost almost 80 pounds.

After a lifetime of diet failures, I finally figured out how to do what I had never done before. I lost more than 60 pounds -- and I’ve kept it off. I’ve now lost almost 80 pounds.

I consider myself a work in progress. I don't have an end date or a magic number. I’ll know it when I get there. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the process and I’m reaping the benefits of a healthier, happier life.

The all-new paperback version of "The Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight and Discovered a Happier Life" is out today with lots of new content: profiles of readers who've successfully shifted too, recipes of many of my favorite dishes, and fresh tips and updates on what has worked well for me.

My biggest lesson: there’s no pill, potion or plan that trumps patience and perseverance. No quick fixes or overnight results. If you give yourself the luxury of time -- and you commit to it daily -- you can change your body for good.

I still adhere to the three key elements of my original plan:

1) Eat Less.

If you want to lose weight, you probably have to eat less than you do now. I cut my portions considerably. I also discovered a new app to help me stay on track. RISE pairs you with a nutrition expert right on your phone for personalized feedback and advice every day on what you’re eating based on your lifestyle, preferences and goals. It’s been valuable for spotting hidden ingredients and portion control. I asked RISE to allow Shift readers to try it for free here.

2) Choose smarter.

I dumped the high carb stuff I used to love in favor of low carb options that are just as tasty. I worked with a chef to develop a nice collection of recipes in the new paperback—and discovered that cauliflower can be magical. Click here to get our satisfying substitute for fried rice and another recipe for pizza with crust made from cauliflower instead of flour. Let me know if you try them in your kitchen.

RECIPE: Cauliflower Pizza From Tory Johnson

3) Move more.

At first this was a snap, since I barely moved at all. A walk around the block was a major victory in the early days. Eventually I joined a gym, took up jogging with my kids in Central Park a couple times a week and committed most days to 20 or 30 minutes on the treadmill in my bedroom.

Although that sounds fine on paper, I still have a sedentary lifestyle. Unless I'm traveling and on the go, I sit for eight to 10 hours a day, like millions of us do. I began to read more about the hazards of sitting — sitting is the new smoking – and I knew I had to make a change.

I traded my standard desk and chair (albeit nervously shaking when my comfy chair was carted away) for a Rebel treadmill desk. I now alternate between standing and walking all day. It’s easier than you’d imagine -- and it has become my new normal. This has been the best daily investment in my health and happiness.

If a treadmill desk isn’t possible for you, start now with a simple step: if you’re on the phone, you’re on your feet. That means you talk and text while standing. Once you get going, it’ll be your new normal too.

Shift with me. I’m rooting for your success.

"The Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight and Discovered a Happier Life" is available where books are sold. Talk to me anytime about your shift on Twitter or Facebook.