How Your Tweets Can Help Fight Hunger in America

Your tweets will help others eat.

Nov 19, 2013— -- With obesity so prevalent in the United States, it's hard to believe that one in six Americans frequently go to bed hungry.

The millions who struggle with "food insecurity" in this country are often hardworking adults, children and older Americans who simply cannot make ends meet. They're forced to go without food for several meals, or even days at a time, according to Feeding America, a nonprofit group that supports local food banks all across the country.

We at ABC Health decided to do something to help make sure more people have enough to eat this holiday season. We're turning today's health tweet chat into a tweetathon to benefit Feeding America, and more than 160 local food banks.

For every single tweet that goes out during our hour-long chat under the hashtag #abcDRBchat, Disney/ABC will donate $1 -– up to $10,000 -- to Feeding America. This is just one small part of Disney/ABC's Season of Service, and our goal of providing 40-million pounds of produce to those in need.

It doesn't stop there: When you donate to Feeding America during the month of November at, Disney will match your gift dollar for dollar -- up to $250,000.

But for today, we're asking you to help us make social media socially conscious by joining ABC chief health and medical correspondent Dr. Richard Besser and the rest of the ABC Health team for our tweetathon. You'll be lending your tweets so that others can eat as you learn the facts about fighting hunger in America, as well as what else you can do to help close the meal gap.

Not Twitter savvy? It's easier than you think. This video takes you step by step through the process of joining one of our tweet chats. During the chat, you can also follow along on the live blog below to comment on the chat and get more facts about hunger in America. Mobile users, use this link for the live blog.