KSM: "I Beheaded Reporter Daniel Pearl"

March 15, 2007 -- AL QAEDA

KSM: "I Beheaded Reporter Daniel Pearl"

Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid sheik Mohammed admits he personally murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, according to an updated version of his confession released today by the Pentagon. (ABC News)

Confessions of a Terrorist: I'm Guilty of 3,000+ Murders

Presidents Clinton and Carter, Pope John Paul II, Henry Kissinger, the Empire State Building, the Library Tower in Los Angeles and the Sears Tower in Chicago were among the targets of al Qaeda attacks planned by captured al Qaeda terror commander Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, according to a written statement he filed this weekend at a hearing held at the American prison at Guantanamo. (ABC News)

Analysis: Shock And Skepticism Greet Alleged 9/11 Confessions

The apparent confessions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to planning the September 11 attacks were today met with shock and skepticism in almost equal measure. (The Guardian)


Deal Reached on U.N. Sanctions vs. Iran

Six world powers agreed Thursday on a package of new sanctions against Iran that include an embargo on arms exports and financial restrictions on more individuals and companies associated with Tehran's nuclear and missile programs, many linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guards. (AP)


Death Sentence for Saddam Deputy Upheld

An Iraqi court has upheld the death sentence against Saddam Hussein's former deputy for his role in the killing of 148 Shiites in 1982, a judge said Thursday. (AP)

Pentagon: Iraq in Some Ways in Civil War

The U.S. military for the first time Wednesday said in a new report that some of the violence in Iraq can be described as a civil war. (AP)

Bomb Kills 6 in Iraq, U.S. Warns of Sectarian Warfare

A car bomb exploded as a bus carrying state employees passed by in a town south of Baghdad on Thursday, killing six people, as a Pentagon report said sectarian violence was the greatest security threat in Iraq. (Reuters)


U.S. Says Antimissile Shield in Europe Will Be Ready By 2011

The U.S. general in charge of deploying an anti-ballistic missile shield in Europe said Thursday that it would operational by 2011 when it would provide protection to most of the continent against any possible threats from Iran. (International Herald Tribune)


4 Al Qaeda Iraqi Militants to Be Executed

Jordan's military court on Thursday sentenced to death four Iraqi al-Qaeda militants charged with terror attacks on Jordanians in Iraq. Of the four, only one is in custody while the other three remain at large and were tried in absentia. (AP)


49 Police Officers Killed in India

Suspected communist rebels armed with rifles, hand grenades and petrol bombs attacked a police post in the jungles of eastern India on Thursday, killing at least 49 officers, police said. (AP)


France Jails Man over Ties to Sydney Terror Plot

A top Paris court convicted a French Muslim convert to nine years in jail on Thursday for links to a group suspected of plotting an attack against an Australian. (Reuters)


Interpol Seeks 6 in Argentine Attack

Interpol plans to issue international requests for the arrest of five prominent Iranians and a Lebanese militant in connection with the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Argentina, the international police agency said Thursday. (AP)


Immigration Misery

A screaming baby girl has been forcibly weaned from breast milk and taken, dehydrated, to an emergency room, so that the nation's borders will be secure. (NY Times)

The Enemies Finally Meet in Baghdad

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed

For over three years, the US Government insisted stubbornly on not negotiating with its adversaries in the Middle East, from the principle that contact would be recognition of their role and a reward to them for their hostile actions. (Asharq al Awsat)

We Are Making a Fatal Mistake by Ignoring the Dissidents within Islam

By Timothy Garton Ash

Are there credible versions of Islam that are compatible with liberal democracy as it has developed in the west? Can one be both a good Muslim and a good citizen of a free society? Or are Islam and the post-Enlightenment west like fire and water? (The Guardian)

The Insider Daily Investigative Report (DIR) is a summary of major news articles and broadcasts relating to investigative news, including international terrorism and developments in Iraq. The DIR is edited daily from foreign and U.S. sources by Chris Isham, Hoda Osman and Elizabeth Sprague of the ABC News Investigative Unit. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ABCNEWS.