Sick of Prince William and Kate Middleton?

Royal wedding barf bags now available for those sick of Will and Kate

Feb. 17, 2011 — -- Is all the mania surrounding the upcoming nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton making you sick? Do you get nauseous realizing your dreams of becoming a princess might never come true? Graphic designer Lydia Leith has created a royal wedding sick bag to keep handy on April 29 for your "throne up."

Lydia Leith is a British graphic designer and illustrator who specializes in greeting cards and screen printing. She says a conversation with her family around the dinner table about the royal wedding inspired the idea for the vomit bags.

"I had the idea of making sick bags as a lighthearted alternative to the royal memorabilia." Leith tells the Royal Diary. "They were always intended as a bit of fun, not to be taken too seriously."

Could this be the wackiest royal wedding souvenir yet? Sound off in the comment section below.