Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton Plan Honeymoon in Jordan?

The royal couple might take a romantic trip to Jordan's royal tombs.

LONDON, April 18, 2011— -- Where Kate Middleton and Prince William will spend their honeymoon has always been categorized as top-secret information, but Britain's Telegraph newspaper has reported that the couple is "believed to be planning a trip to Jordan for their post-wedding getaway."

The newspaper says the newlyweds will have a two-week-long honeymoon after the royal wedding.

The romantic break will be split in two, with one half consisting of a week-long tour of southern Jordan, touring the country's most famous sites, including the ancient city of Petra and the Wadi Rum desert valley.

The plan is for the royal honeymoon to start April 29. Jordan is thought to be Kate and Will's preferred foreign destination, according to the Telegraph.

The other half might be what has come to be known as a "staycation" and will possibly be on one of the royal estates, perhaps Balmoral in Scotland.

If the royal honeymoon does take place in Jordan, one thing is for sure: Their romantic seclusion will be shared by royal protection officers who will accompany them to ensure their security.

The recent unrest across the Middle East has spread to Jordan and protesters have taken to the streets of the capital, Amman, calling for political and economic reform.