Prince William and Kate Middleton Return to St. Andrews

The royal couple return to the city where their romance started.

LONDON, Feb. 25, 2011— -- Prince William and Kate Middleton will travel to the University of St. Andrews today on the second leg of the royal walkabout.

There were bagpipes to greet the famous alumni, and even an airforce fly-by.

William is used to such grand welcomes but royal duty is brand new for Middleton.

"It's a case of him helping her learn the ropes a little bit," Simon Perry of People Magazine told ABC News.

William and Middleton were both freshmen at Scotland's St. Andrews in 2001. So, how did they meet?

"I think I went bright red when I met you [William] and sort of scuttled off," Middleton said at the news conference announcing their engagement.

It was Middleton's appearance in a see-through dress at a student fashion show that caught William's eye.

Eight years ago, they were walking these streets as a young, newly-dating couple. William and Middleton both studied history of art, and shared a house in the town.

Now, a wedding is just around the corner.

As an early wedding present, the university is creating a scholarship in their honor.

The yet-unnamed scholarship will pay about $115,000 in tuition costs, accommodation and living expenses for an undergraduate degree in science, arts, medicine or divinity.

It will be awarded annually and open to applicants of all nationalities who would have been unable to attend the university without such financial support.

"This will be the first scholarship of its kind at St. Andrews and a reflection of this university's commitment to ensure that we find, attract and support the most gifted students from anywhere in the world," said Louise Richardson, the university's principal and vice-chancellor.

St. Andrews Celebrates 600 Years

The university begins celebrating its 600th anniversary this year.

Prince William has agreed to be patron of the 600th Anniversary Appeal.

St. Andrews is Scotland's first university and the third-oldest in the English-speaking world.