One Airman’s Reaction to Keeping More Troops in Afghanistan

Capt. Taylor Valentine is now wrapping up his six month tour in Afghanistan.

— -- Capt. Taylor Valentine, a Mississippi native, is now wrapping up a six-month tour with the Air Force in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Valentine, who graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2006 is a bachelor who says he loves life on deployment and is set to return in November for his fifth tour. This comes as President Obama recently decided to extend the United States’ military mission in the country.

“They still need that advise and assist assistance from us, so hearing that we're going to maintain a little bit of a heightened presence here I think is only a good thing for both the Afghans and the rest of the world.”

Valentine adds, “For the people that say what are we still doing here, I would tell them that we are providing the people of Afghanistan- and not just Afghanistan but people of the world- safety and security, which I think everyone is entitled to.”