Al Qaeda’s Job Application Form: Do You Want to Be a Suicide Bomber?

Bin Laden bookshelf: Terror org asks that would-be jihadists write "legibly."

The al Qaeda application form as translated by the U.S. government involves a lengthy questionnaire about basic personal details, family history, marital status, and education level. It asks that applicants "answer the required information accurately and truthfully" and, "Please write clearly and legibly."

It also asks what clerics the applicant listens to or knows and what kind of traveling they’ve done. Do they prefer science or literature?

But quickly the questions veer towards those that, depending on the answer, could give al Qaeda a tactical advantage in future operations: Is the applicant expert in chemistry, communications or any other field? Do they have a family member in the government who would cooperate with al Qaeda? Have they received any military training?

Finally, it asks what the would-be jihadist would like to accomplish and, “Do you wish to execute a suicide operation?”

For the final question, the application asks would-be killers that if they were to become martyrs, who should al Qaeda contact?

The notion of an al Qaeda application is not a new one. Back in 2007 the U.S. government entered into evidence a similar application form prosecutors said had been filled out by Jose Padilla, who was later convicted as an American member of al Qaeda.

CLICK HERE to see the full list of documents released by the ODNI.