Brexit: Regional Battle to Be the First to Declare Results Has Begun

Results are expected at 2 a.m. Eastern

— London -- The sight of ballot boxes hurriedly being past from volunteer to volunteer marked a British tradition in an otherwise untraditional ballot day -– the regional battle to be the first to declare results.

After polls closed at 10 p.m. local time, the United Kingdom now awaits the results of the crucial Brexit referendum that will decide whether the country leaves the European Union or stays.

The city of Sunderland in Northeast England, has been expected to have the first results at 12:30 a.m. local time (7:30 p.m. ET) and volunteers have been seen hastily passing ballot boxes to each other. But students who have been asked to be "runners" in Newcastle are also running with ballot boxes in an attempt to beat Sunderland as the first place in the UK to declare a result.