The Cartoons That Say #ParisIsLife

A Charlie Hebdo cartoonist responds to #PrayforParis.

— -- Millions of messages from all social media platforms have poured into Paris, showing a collective sense of love and solidarity with the city after a series of terrorist attacks on Friday that left the French capital in shock.

The Independent translated his cartoons. Sfar reminded the world of the motto of Paris, "She is tossed by the waves, but does not sink."

And he wrote in the cartoon, "Friends from the whole world, thank you for #PrayForParis, but we don’t need more religion! Our faith goes to music! Kisses! Life! Champagne and joy! #ParisIsAboutLife."

As Paris and the international community grapple with aftermath of the Friday attacks, Sfar sent a message that Paris will always be remembered for so much more.