David Beckham Is 'Very Proud' to Be UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

“It’s something that I’m extremely focused on," said the soccer star.

"It’s incredible that we still live in an age where children are dying every five minutes from violence around the world,” Beckham said. “It’s an incredible statistic, and as great as the work has been done over the years, there’s still so much more to be done."

“It doesn’t matter what your politics are, everyone in this room, everyone watching, everyone who has sat here -- no child should be affected by violence in the way they are,” said Beckham, 41, who created a moving PSA where his many tattoos come to life to highlight how violence in the world hurts children.

“I think it was just a very strong, powerful way to get across how so many children around the world are affected by violence,” he said of the new PSA from UNICEF UK. “It’s got a lot of hits, a lot of attention, and that’s what we wanted to achieve with this. Of course it’s about raising funds for children in situations around the world, but it’s about shining a light and things like this are so important for us.”

“There’s nothing more to this than that at the moment,” Beckham continued. “He’s 11 years old. He’s still at school. He’s concentrating at school. That’s the most important thing. But he wanted to give back and he’s done this amazing little Christmas song which has gotten a lot of attention, and we’re very proud of him because he came to us with the idea. It’s kind of cool.”