French Airstrikes Target ISIS Command and Training Centers in Raqqa

The French used 16 bombs as targets "hit and destroyed simultaneously."

Sixteen bombs were used in the operation, and the military said both targets were "hit and destroyed simultaneously,” according to Agence France-Presse.

Hollande said a bill to extend the state of emergency would be presented to Parliament Wednesday. He also suggested there may be need to change the French constitution to incorporate notions of "state of emergency" and "state of siege."

Hollande spoke earlier Monday of the initial strikes on Raqqa carried out Sunday, thanking the United States for its assistance, while also noting that a French aircraft carrier was en route to the Eastern Mediterranean, where it will arrive in mid-December.

The carrier "will triple our capabilities," Hollande said.

Its deployment was already planned before the attacks Friday that left 129 dead and hundreds wounded.

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