Gloria Steinem, Female Peace Activists Cross Korea Border

The group had wanted to walk through the DMZ.

The group of 30 women arrived at Dorasan Station dressed in white with colorful traditional Korean scarves wrapped around them.

The group repeatedly stressed that this was not a political event and the purpose was to open dialogue on the civilian level.

Hundreds of South Korean women greeted the activists at the southern part of the Unification Bridge and together marched over a mile by the barbed wire fences to a peace festival at nearby Nuri Peace Park.

The women originally planned to cross the border through the truce village of Panmunjum, where North and South Korean soldiers stand guard on each side of the military demarcation line. But the South Korean government had refused to give authorization, citing concerns over their safety.

The organizers expressed disappointment but said the crossing itself was a successful “historic event” getting “both Korean governments to communicate.”

The group made entry into South Korean by a bus instead, as recommended by the South Korean government, through a road that connects South Korea and the North Korean city of Gaesong.

Yeon-joo Lee and Yoon-geon Hong contributed to this report.