'Guantanamo Diary' Author Cleared For Release, ACLU Says

The writer was held for nearly 14 years with no charges.

— -- A Guantánamo inmate who detailed his captivity in the best-selling memoir, “Guantánamo Diary,” was cleared today for release, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.

A Change.org petition that calls for his release has garnered more than 44,000 signatures.

"My brother has survived the most brutal torture and interrogation practices with courage and kindness," Slahi's brother, Yahdih Ould Salahi, wrote on the petition.

The document also noted "clear indications of a change in the detainee's mindset," which contributed to the decision.

Although Slahi has been cleared for release, it is unclear when he will actually walk free.

The ACLU also said that the government of Mauritania will welcome him back into their country upon his release.

“We are thrilled that the PRB [Periodic Review Board] has cleared our client,” Nancy Hollander, Slahi's attorney, said in a statement. “We will now work toward his quick release and return to the waiting arms of his loving family. This is long overdue.”