Horse whisperer helps stress sufferers

Horse whisperer uses his animals for people suffering from stress and anxiety.

The 57-year-old, who spent many years in the Patagonian wilderness living with horses, says the animals interpret and control emotions in the people he sees.

His clients spend time with the horses and learn through the movement of the animal what mental state they themselves are in, says Noailles, who charges up to 120 euros per session.

"The horse is a mirror," he says. "They are gregarious creatures, born to live in herds."

Noailles' clients respond to their own emotions from watching the horse's reaction.

"People in the first session, when they are in a difficult state of mind, see a horse that doesn't stop, that moves, that even gallops. The horse is showing you a mind that doesn't stop, that is tormented," he says.

Loreto Garcia has worked with Noialles for two years to help her cope with stress.

"Fernando sees the reaction of the horse - he can tell if I'm centered in the moment, how I feel. He uses the horse as a guide to let him know how the session is going," she says.

Story written by Sonya Dowsett