Is ISIS leader Baghdadi alive? 'I don't have a clue,' says commander of anti-ISIS coalition

The U.S. military can't corroborate latest report of Baghdadi’s death.

In Tuesday’s briefing, Gen. Stephen Townsend, the commanding officer in the U.S.-led fight against ISIS, said he doesn’t have proof that Baghdadi is alive, but also said he had received a report suggesting Baghdadi wasn’t in fact killed by the Russians.

“Despite all the helpful reports to us from every source imaginable, I'm unable to confirm or deny where he is, or whether he is alive or dead. Let me just say for the record, my fervent hope is it is the latter,” Townsend said in Tuesday’s briefing.

"I don't know how to say it any other way… I don't have a clue. Simple as that. So, don't know if he's alive. Don't know if he's dead. I don't know where he's alive. I don't know where his dead body is. I don't have a clue. I'm not trying to message anything,” added Townsend.

Townsend stressed, however, that he has heard about the conflicting reports on Baghdadi’s state and hopes that he is “deader than a doornail," warning that the U.S. military would go after Baghdadi and kill him if they found proof that he was still alive.

But Townsend also added that he was worried about the prospects of ISIS being led under a new leader now, and how the organization may not want to confirm Baghdadi’s death, as it would “be a blow to the enemy’s morale.”

“[W]hat we have seen with all these paramount leaders is you -- you take them out, and someone else steps up. So, if he is dead, that means someone's running ISIS. And I -- I think that they're trying to keep it -- his death quiet for their own morale...It would probably uplift I think our partners,” he said.

“As far as the prosecution of the enemy's plans, I'm not so sure that it does matter. We have a succession of command. They have a succession of command. And I think they would implement it,” said Townsend.

Other U.S. officials whom ABC News reached out to couldn’t confirm if the Syrian Observatory for Human Right's claim was accurate.

Baghdadi's’ death would be one of the biggest blows to the jihadist group, which is struggling to defend its shrinking territory in Syria and Iraq.

ABC News' Elizabeth McLaughlin contributed to this report