Jacob Ostreicher Case: Videos and Documents

Some of the pieces of evidence Jacob Ostreicher said proves he is innocent.

Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA
May 11, 2012— -- intro:Jacob Ostreicher is a 53-year-old flooring contractor from Brooklyn, N.Y. After the construction industry collapsed in the U.S. in 2008, Jacob said he heard from a family friend, a prominent lawyer in Switzerland, about a promising investment opportunity: growing rice in Bolivia.

Ostreicher said he put $200,000, his life savings, into the venture and became a very junior partner in a $25 million project.

But in 2011, Bolivian police arrested one of Ostreicher's former employees and accused him of being involved with drug criminals. Ostreicher said he cooperated fully with police -- and then was arrested himself. Prosecutors claimed they were investigating whether the $25 million that started the rice business came from drug money.

Ostreicher has spent the past 11 months at the Palmasola prison in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, accused of money laundering but not charged. Read more about Jacob Ostreicher's story HERE.

The following are some of the pieces of evidence Ostreicher said proves he is innocent.

quicklist: 1category:title: Rice Operation Videourl:media:16331159text: Jacob Ostreicher said this video he shot proves his rice business in Bolivia was legitimate, and not a front for money laundering.

Click the video player to watch.

quicklist: 2category: title: Investment Documentsurl: media:16330927text:Jacob Ostreicher said these investment documents proves the money used for his rice business was legitimately invested from a bank in Switzerland.

Click HERE to view the documents in full.

quicklist: 3category: title: Video From Inside Jail Cellurl: media:16331156text: After being arrested in Bolivia, Jacob Ostreicher was thrown in jail for four days. He shot this video inside his jail cell on his lawyer's cell phone.

Clickthe video player to watch.