Japanese worker docked for starting lunch 3 minutes early

Japanese officials hope to pass legislation that would improve work-life balance

Officials in the western Japanese city of Kobe made a public apology on Thursday to a municipal employee for docking his pay after he took his lunch break three minutes early.

“It is very regrettable that this misconduct has happened. We’re very sorry,” a city official said at the press conference, according to local media.

Yet it apparently wasn't a one-time infraction - the unnamed 64-year old employee allegedly slipped out early 26 times over seven months.

Traditionally, Japanese workers have logged particularly long hours at their jobs - leading to a national debate about work-life balance.

Prior to this incident, officials have been pushing for a new bill that would improve work-life balance among citizens.

One component of the bill would set a cap on the amount of overtime hours an employee can work a month, according to Japanese media.