Despite Terror Attacks, John Kerry Would Vacation in Europe but Choose Where He Went

Kerry said he would "absolutely" vacation in Europe.

He would "absolutely" vacation in Europe and "without doubt," Americans should feel comfortable visiting European countries, Kerry said in an interview with ABC News. Yet he cautioned that he would "choose where I go."

Kerry made a stop in Brussels today to visit with Belgian officials and U.S. diplomats after Tuesday's suicide bombings that left at least 31 people dead and at least 300 injured.

"We're not saying don't travel at all," Kerry said, "We're just making an alert so people can make a determination about where they might go and how they might travel. But to not do so in the wake of what has been happening, knowing what we know, would also be irresponsible."

Kerry also expressed some frustration that Europe needs to do better at sharing terror-related intelligence. "I do know that, as a whole, Europe needs to move information more effectively," Kerry said. "This is a challenge. It was a huge challenge for us in the aftermath of 9/11." Kerry said the Europeans need to push for reform on early passenger identification for airline flights.

Kerry also spoke to ABC News about the U.S. victims of this attack, saying there will be an American death toll. Until today, the State Department has said it was not aware of Americans who had been killed -- only acknowledging some are missing.

"I can just confirm that a couple Americans have died in this event," Kerry said. "We're going through the sad process of family notification at this point in time."

Kerry did not identify the victims.