The Koreas have come a long way since the North blew up a Korean Air flight before 1988 Seoul Olympics

The Olympic truce comes 30 years after N. Korea took aim at Seoul Olympics.

The Koreas, still technically at war despite their 1953 Armistice Agreement, have agreed to march together into the opening ceremony and form a joint team for women’s ice hockey.

The North demanded in a 1985 letter written by its IOC representative that 11 of the 23 sporting events take place in its territory.

The IOC subsequently convened special meetings in Switzerland in January 1986 with the Olympic Committees of the North and the South, with Pyongyang also insisting on hosting the special opening and closing ceremonies and a united team. The IOC rejected most of those demands but still counteroffered with six of the sporting events the North had requested.

“We wish for a successful Olympic games and we stand ready to offer our delegates to participate,” Kim said in a surprise New Year’s speech.

The Koreas moved quickly to leverage such reconciliation into a plan for the North to send athletes and an entourage of officials, musicians, a taekwondo demonstration team and cheerleaders.

With those North Koreans, over 700 of them, in the South by this week, security analysts say it is unlikely the North will attempt to jeopardize the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games.

Indeed, Kim may even be “trying to use South Korea as an exit strategy” to escape the economic hardship caused by U.S.-led sanctions, Ahn Chan-il, a North Korean defector heading Seoul-based World Institute for North Korea Studies, told ABC News.

ABC News’ Hakyung Kate Lee and Yejin Jang contributed to this report from Pyeongchang, South Korea.