Refugee Crisis: What You Need to Know

Nearly 20,000 refugees arrived in Munich over the weekend.

Here's a look at the latest on the refugee crisis:


Fights are breaking out as people wait in long lines and sleep on the streets. Police used batons against the crowds to break them up.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban today announced new efforts to finish a wall that would keep refugees out.


Nearly 20,000 refugees arrived in Munich over the weekend, according to Bavarian authorities. And while there has been sporadic anti-migrant protests across Germany recently, many locals are finding creative and heartwarming ways to welcome refugees.

The generosity of the German people has extended beyond train stations from classrooms to kitchens.

In Dresden, a city in eastern Germany, entrepreneurs have launched a smartphone app to help asylum seekers find information on how to register with the authorities, get health insurance and find their way around. Peggy Reuter-Heinrich, the CEO of Heinrich & Reuter Solutions, which worked on the app with Saxonia Systems, said in a statement the app would help refugees deal with bureaucracy better than paper documents.

Across Germany, dozens of universities are offering free classes for refugees -- while courses are free for Germans, asylum seekers are usually required to pay a fee. Humboldt Universität in Berlin is one of several recently inviting refugees to register as guest students.

Countries outside Europe are getting involved, too.


Pressure is growing for the United States to take in more refugees; only 1,500 have been taken in the past four years. A group of Democratic senators want to see that raised to 65,000, while some Republicans say taking in refugees poses a security threat.

Over 1,400 people have signed a petition to lift the U.S. limit on Syrian refugees.


Brazil, which has already taken in over 2,000 refugees, will welcome Syrian refugees with “open arms,” President Dilma Rousseff said Monday.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.