Israel-Gaza live updates: IDF says it's discovered one of Hamas' biggest tunnels under Gaza

The 2 1/2-mile-long tunnel is large enough to drive a car through, the IDF said.

The temporary cease-fire between Hamas and Israel ended on Dec. 1, and Israel has resumed its bombardment of Gaza.

The end of the cease-fire came after Hamas freed over 100 of the more than 200 people its militants took hostage during the Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel. In exchange, Israel released more than 200 Palestinians from Israeli prisons.

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What we know about the conflict

The latest outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, has passed the four-month mark.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 30,228 people have been killed and 71,377 others have been wounded by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, according to Gaza's Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 6,900 others have been injured by Hamas and other Palestinian militants since Oct. 7, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

There has also been a surge in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israeli forces have killed at least 395 people in the territory since Oct. 7, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ongoing war began after Hamas-led militants launched an unprecedented incursion into southern Israel from neighboring Gaza via land, sea and air. Scores of people were killed while more than 200 others were taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities. The Israeli military subsequently launched retaliatory airstrikes followed by a ground invasion of Gaza, a 140-square-mile territory where more than 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by Israel and supported by Egypt since Hamas came to power in 2007. Gaza, unlike Israel, has no air raid sirens or bomb shelters.


Physician shot inside Gaza Hospital: Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières said one of its surgeons inside the Al-Awda hospital was injured by a shot fired from outside the facility.

"Reports coming out of Al-Awda hospital are harrowing and we are gravely worried for [the] safety of patients and staff inside. Let us be clear: Al Awda is a functioning hospital with medical staff and many patients in vulnerable condition. Targeting medical workers as they care for their patients is utterly reprehensible, utterly inhumane," Renzo Fricke, MSF's head of mission, said in a statement.

The international humanitarian group said the attacks on the hospital have killed five staff so far including two of their members.

-ABC News' Will Gretsky

Israel targeting 2 hospitals in northern Gaza: Palestinian Health Ministry

Israeli forces are targeting and operating near two hospitals in northern Gaza, the Kamal Adwan Hospital and the Al-Awda Hospital, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The director of Al-Awda Hospital, Ahmed Muhanna, said Israeli tanks were surrounding the hospital.

Doctors Without Borders said one of its surgeons was injured inside Al-Awda Hospital by a shot fired from outside the facility.

“Reports coming out of Al-Awda hospital are harrowing and we are gravely worried for safety of patients and staff inside,” Doctors Without Borders said.

The Israel Defense Forces said it could not comment on troops' locations.

-ABC News’ Nasser Atta, Jordana Miller and Cindy Smith

Israel doesn't intend to stay permanently in Gaza: Defense minister

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Monday that Israel "will take any measures in order to destroy Hamas, but we have no intention to stay permanently in the Gaza Strip."

"We only take care of our security and the security of our citizens alongside the border with Gaza and elsewhere," Gallant said.

Gallant said "a new civil body will be established to try and look after the welfare of the residents."

"The key condition is that this body will not act with hostility towards the state of Israel," Gallant said. "All the rest, in my opinion, can be discussed. It certainly will not be Hamas, and also will not be Israel. We will maintain our freedom to act, to operate militarily against any threat."

Speaking directly to Hamas, Gallant said, "To the terrorists, to their commanders and to the battalion commanders: surrender. If you surrender, you can save your lives. If not, your fate is sealed."

'Cruelty I hadn't seen before': Psychiatrist who treated hostages

Dr. Renana Eitan, a psychiatrist who treated people held by Hamas, said some of the now-released hostages experienced "cruelty that I haven't seen before."

"I've been a psychiatrist for over 20 years," she said. "We are [a] national center for sexual trauma and for PTSD for the refugees from Africa, so I thought I saw all the worst PTSD patients."

Some hostages were held "in inhumane sanitary conditions" and "subject to severe physical, sexual and mental abuse," Eitan said.

"I have never seen anything like that before," Eitan said.

"One of the patients, she was kept in total darkness for four days. This is inhumane. She became psychotic. She had hallucinations," Eitan said. "I've never seen such things in my life."

According to the Israel Defense Forces, 137 people are still being held hostage by Hamas.

134 UNRWA workers killed since beginning of the war, UN says

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees said 134 of its workers have been killed since the Israel-Hamas war began more than two months ago.

Although northern Gaza was the first region intensely targeted by Israeli forces, the UNRWA said half of its killed staffers died in central and southern Gaza.

There are 1.9 million people now displaced in Gaza, where conditions continue to deteriorate, the UNRWA said.

"Despite everything, our UNRWA colleagues keep going, keep doing everything they can to support their communities," the UNRWA said.