Israel-Gaza updates: Netanyahu says war to continue 'on all fronts'

Netanyahu said Israel will "continue the war on all fronts and in all sectors."

More than 100 days since Hamas terrorists invaded Israel on Oct. 7, the Israeli military continues its bombardment of the neighboring Gaza Strip.

The conflict, now the deadliest between Israel and Hamas since Israel's founding in 1948, shows no signs of letting up soon and the brief cease-fire that allowed for over 100 hostages to be freed from Gaza remains a distant memory.

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What we know about the conflict

The latest outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, has passed the four-month mark.

In the Gaza Strip, at least 30,228 people have been killed and 71,377 others have been wounded by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, according to Gaza's Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 6,900 others have been injured by Hamas and other Palestinian militants since Oct. 7, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

There has also been a surge in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israeli forces have killed at least 395 people in the territory since Oct. 7, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ongoing war began after Hamas-led militants launched an unprecedented incursion into southern Israel from neighboring Gaza via land, sea and air. Scores of people were killed while more than 200 others were taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities. The Israeli military subsequently launched retaliatory airstrikes followed by a ground invasion of Gaza, a 140-square-mile territory where more than 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by Israel and supported by Egypt since Hamas came to power in 2007. Gaza, unlike Israel, has no air raid sirens or bomb shelters.


Shots fired as crowd seeks humanitarian aid in Gaza

Gunshots rang out as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians sought food from humanitarian aid trucks in the war-torn Gaza Strip on Sunday.

Video of the incident in Sheikh Iljlin, a neighborhood in southern Gaza City, shows a large crowd gathering to receive flour from aid trucks parked near an Israeli military checkpoint. Then the sound of gunfire erupts and people are seen frantically running.

ABC News was not able to independently verify who fired the shots and whether anyone was killed or injured.

The Israel Defense Forces did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment on Monday.

-ABC News' Felicia Alvarez, Nasser Atta, Helena Skinner and Morgan Winsor

Hamas releases video showing 3 Israeli hostages in captivity

Hamas released a video on Sunday showing three Israeli hostages who are still being held in captivity in Gaza.

The three hostages that appear in the video are 26-year-old Noa Argamani, 35-year-old Itai Svirsky and 53-year-old Yossi Sharabi.

The video released by Hamas called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the war on Gaza.

-ABC News' Ellie Kaufman

100 days into war, IDF says its 'goals are complex to achieve and will take a long time'

As the Israel-Hamas war reached its 100th day Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces says it's goals "will take a long time" to achieve.

"To achieve real results, we must continue to operate in enemy territory, not to allow extortion attempts for a cease-fire," IDF Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said in a televised address Saturday.

"We must continue applying pressure and that is exactly what we are doing," he said. "[Our] goals are complex to achieve and will take a long time. To dismantle Hamas, patience is both necessary and essential."

The IDF also said it's now moving to intensify its operations in southern Gaza, where it believes Hamas' leadership is hiding.

-ABC News' Patrick Reevell

Teen boy shares story of being held hostage by Palestine Islamic Jihad

Yagil Yaacov, now 13, was 12 years old when he was kidnapped at knifepoint from his room at the Nir Oz kibbutz on Oct. 7.

He told his captors -- allegedly members of the Palestine Islamic Jihad -- “Don’t take me, I’m too young,” according to his mother, Renana.

Yagil’s brother was also kidnapped and the two were separated. Yagil told ABC News in an exclusive interview that he was first taken to a safe house, and then to another home where he stayed for 30 days.

Yagil said during his time as a hostage he listened to some radio and learned a little Arabic to determine what was happening around him.

He was eventually reunited with his stepmother and brother.

Yagil's father is still being held hostage.

-ABC News’ Matt Gutman