Israel-Gaza updates: Israeli forces preparing for 'wide range of offensive plans'

Fighting is ongoing after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

At least 1,400 people have died and 3,400 others have been injured in Israel after the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented incursion from air, land and sea on Oct. 7, Israeli authorities said.

In Gaza, 3,000 people have been killed and another 12,500 were injured, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Tensions are high with the prospect of ground war and evacuation orders for Gaza after the Israel Defense Forces called for "all residents of Gaza City to evacuate their homes" and "move south for their protection" early Friday, saying residents should move "and settle in the area south of the Gaza River." The announcement was made, according to the IDF, because it plans to "operate significantly in Gaza City in the coming days" and wanted "to avoid harming civilians."

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Timeline: The Hamas attack and response

On the morning of Oct. 7, sirens echoed across Israel as Hamas terrorists began a full-fledged surprise attack from the air, sea and ground. Hundreds of armed Hamas fighters stormed into Israel from Gaza, charging into cities and gunning down citizens.

Israeli forces responded by sending wave after wave of bombs into Gaza, killing thousands, trapping civilians and raising fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East.

Click here for the full timeline


Blinken: 'Depravity in the worst imaginable way'

At a news conference Thursday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked about the gruesome photos and videos shown to him behind closed doors by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"It’s beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less, God forbid, experience. A baby, an infant -- riddled with bullets. Soldiers beheaded. Young people, burned alive," he said. "I could go on, but it’s simply depravity in the worst imaginable way."

Blinken said that some of the images had been seen before, but others were new to him, and again said that Hamas’ acts harkened back to ISIS.

"I think for any human being to see this -- it’s really beyond almost anything that we can comprehend, digest," Blinken continued. "You can’t help but imagine yourself, your family, your loved ones, your friends in that situation, in that predicament and maybe the best word for it for me is overwhelming."

While some of the claims made by the IDF have been questioned and others have fueled online claims that the Israeli government is spreading disinformation, Blinken said that the photos would ultimately show exactly the horrors its people have confronted and serve to unify through "moral clarity."

-ABC News' Shannon Crawford

IDF: On Saturday we failed

The Israel Defense Forces said Thursday that it's responsible for Israel's security and said they failed on Saturday.

The IDF said they'll investigate how the security failure happened, but right now, they're in a time of war.

Gaza hospitals risk 'turning into morgues'

Fabrizio Carboni, regional director for Near and Middle East for the International Committee of the Red Cross, said hospitals are losing power as Gaza loses power, risking the lives of the elderly on oxygen and newborns in incubators.

"Kidney dialysis stops, and X-rays can’t be taken," Carboni said. "Without electricity, hospitals risk turning into morgues."

Austin: US not placing conditions on military aid to Israel

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters in Brussels Thursday that the U.S. is not placing conditions on its military aid to Israel.

Austin said Israel is "a professional military led by professional leadership" and "we would hope and expect that they would do the right things in the prosecution of their campaign."

Austin said U.S. intelligence had no indication or warning that Hamas was planning such an attack.

Echoing other administration officials, Austin said, "We've not seen any indication that Iran was involved in the planning or the execution of this attack," though he added the U.S. will continue to focus on whether that is truly the case.

Austin said that the U.S. will "work urgently to get Israel what it needs to defend itself," including munitions and Iron Dome interceptors, and said helping Israel won’t affect the U.S. flow of military aid to Ukraine.

-ABC News' Luis Martinez

At least 500 killed in explosion at Gaza hospital: Gaza Health Ministry

At least 500 people have been killed in an explosion at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in the middle of Gaza, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

The hospital served as a shelter for thousands of residents who fled their homes in northern Gaza.

The Israel Defense Forces denied responsibility for the explosion, saying a failed launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad caused the blast.

"From the analysis of the operational systems of the IDF, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed in the vicinity of the hospital, when it was hit," IDF said.

The World Health Organization condemned the blast and called for "the immediate active protection of civilians and health care" workers.

This hospital "was one of 20 in the north of the Gaza Strip facing evacuation orders from the Israeli military," the WHO said in a statement. "The order for evacuation has been impossible to carry out given the current insecurity, critical condition of many patients, and lack of ambulances, staff, health system bed capacity, and alternative shelter for those displaced."

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has declared three days of mourning following the attack.

-ABC News' Will Gretsky