Israel-Gaza updates: 8 killed in Israeli airstrike, Gaza Ministry of Health says

The U.S. says "no other country is doing more to help Israel defend itself."

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, negotiations have stalled to secure the release of hostages taken by the terrorist organization, and Israeli forces continue to launch incursions in the southern Gazan town of Rafah ahead of a possible large-scale invasion.


IDF spokesman: Hamas is an 'idea,' can’t be eliminated

Israel Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said in an interview with Channel 13 in Israel that "Hamas is an idea," adding, "Whoever thinks that it can be eliminated is wrong."

"The notion that it is possible to destroy Hamas, to make Hamas disappear, is simply to mislead the public," Hagari said.

This contradicts statements from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has said destroying Hamas is the war's key objective.

Following Hagari's interview, the IDF said in a statement that it's "committed to achieving the goals of the war as defined by the cabinet, has been working in this way throughout the war day and night and will continue to do so."

"The commanders of the IDF and those who serve fight with determination and persistence to destroy the military capabilities and the governmental and organizational infrastructure of Hamas in Gaza, a distinct military goal," the IDF said. "In his words, the IDF spokesman referred to the destruction of Hamas as an ideology and an idea, and the words were said by him in a clear and explicit manner. Any other claim is taking things out of context."

In response to Hagari’s comments, the prime minister’s office said, "The political and security cabinet headed by Prime Minister Netanyahu defined as one of the goals of the war the destruction of Hamas' military and governmental capabilities. The IDF is of course committed to this."

Hezbollah leader says they’re not ruling out sending forces into Israel

As tensions between Israel and Lebanon escalate, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah once again threatened to enter Israel with Hezbollah forces.

Speaking at a memorial service for a Hezbollah commander who was killed by the Israeli military, he said entering Galilee in northern Israel "remains on the table if the confrontation develops."

Nasrallah also claimed Hezbollah has obtained new weapons.

Biden's team enraged, frustrated by Netanyahu's video: US official

President Joe Biden’s team is enraged and frustrated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's video that criticized the U.S. for withholding certain weapons, a U.S. official told ABC News.

U.S. officials have made clear to the Israelis that Netanyahu’s video is inaccurate and out of line, the official said.

US-Israel meeting canceled after Netanyahu criticizes US

A meeting between U.S. and Israeli officials set for Thursday to discuss Iran has been canceled in the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement on Tuesday that criticized the U.S. for withholding certain weapons, according to an Israeli source familiar with the discussions.

Israeli officials Tzachi Hanegbi and Ron Dermer were both en route to the U.S. when the strategic meeting was canceled, according to a source in the prime minister's office.

A specific time had not been finalized for the meeting at the time of the cancellation, two U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said national security adviser Jake Sullivan had been traveling and was looking to reschedule. The U.S. is working with Israeli counterparts to find a different time for the meeting.

Netanyahu said when he met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Israel recently, he told Blinken, "It's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel."

"Israel, America's closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies," Netanyahu said. "Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that's the case. It should be the case."

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew told Netanyahu Tuesday that the ammunition and weapons that he referred to are in the process of being delivered to Israel, according to the prime minister's office.

"With the exception of ongoing discussion regarding large diameter munitions, other items are either delivered or in the process of being delivered, or in the normal review process," the embassy said.

Two U.S. officials involved in approving arms transfers to Israel told ABC News Tuesday that shipments continue to be greenlit as the administration executes on both longstanding orders in the pipeline as well as new requests made after the onset of the war.

The sole exception, the officials said, is the frozen shipment of the 2,000-pound bombs. The officials said the decision to pause that delivery was made by the White House and that, if it’s ultimately lifted, they expect that order will come from the White House, too.

-ABC News’ Selina Wang and Michelle Stoddart

Biden cites pain of Muslims in Gaza in Eid al-Adha holiday statement

President Joe Biden issued a statement Sunday commemorating the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha in which he acknowledged the pain and suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza.

"In Gaza, innocent civilians are suffering the horrors of the war between Hamas and Israel.," Biden said. "Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children. Families have fled their homes and seen their communities destroyed. Their pain is immense."

Biden added that his administration is working to end the war and make progress toward a two-state solution.

"And I strongly believe that the three-phase ceasefire proposal Israel has made to Hamas and that the U.N. Security Council has endorsed is the best way to end the violence in Gaza and ultimately end the war," Biden said.

Biden also cited the conflict in Sudan as well as the targeting of Muslim communities in Burma and China.

He used the holiday to celebrate the contributions of the Muslim community in America and also to say that he is committed to fighting Islamophobia in the United States.

"Hate has no place in America, whether it is targeted at American Muslims, Arab Americans including Palestinians, or anyone else," Biden said.

He added, "In the spirit of Eid al-Adha, let us all renew our commitment to values that unite us -- compassion, empathy, and mutual respect -- which are both American and Islamic."

ABC News' Michelle Stoddart