Malala Yousafzai Calls on World Leaders to Invest in Books, Not Bullets

Nobel Laureate, 17, said every child deserves access to free education.

“Leaders of the 21st century must deliver on their promises to invest in the future and start investing in books, education and hope, rather than in weapons, war and conflicts,” Malala said. “We will not stop. We will continue to speak out and raise our voices until we see every child in school.”

“The shocking truth is that world leaders have the money to fully fund global education - but they are choosing to spend it on other things, like their military budgets,” Malala wrote in a post on the Malala Fund blog. “In fact, if the whole world stopped spending money on the military for just 8 days, we could have the $39 billion needed to provide 12 years of free, quality education to every child on the planet.”

When not speaking to world leaders and advocating for education, Malala is making plans for her 18th birthday on July 12. Instead of presents, she is asking supporters to send a message to world leaders: "Post a photo of yourself holding up your favorite book and share why you choose #BooksNotBullets," she wrote. "Tell world leaders to fund the real weapon for change, education!"