MH370: South African Teen Finds Possible Debris From Missing Plane

Liam Lotter told ABC News he found the piece in Mozambique while on vacation.

"My cousin loves planes, he wants to be a pilot, so he knew exactly what he was looking at," Lotter said. "I thought I needed to do some research, so I took it home. The large piece has a visible serial code and other identifying marks.

Lotter's family stuck the piece on the back of their boat and towed it back to South Africa. They say the piece was not inspected at the border, although it was simply covered with a fish net.

It was only until last week that Lotter decided to call investigators after he read reports of an American finding a similar-looking piece in Mozambique.

After unsuccessful attempts to call South African investigators, Lotter says he was able to reach the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, who said they would collect it next week to perform an analysis on the debris.

Officials are still investigating whether the piece of debris found in Mozambique by American Blaine Gibson late last month could be from MH370.

The last thing ever heard from MH370 was, "Good night Malaysian three-seven-zero."