Obama Asks Putin to Help Halt Assad Offensive in Syria

Obama spoke to Putin by phone today, the White House said.

A White House statement said Obama had stressed to Putin the need to persuade his ally Assad to halt offensive operations to preserve the truce Moscow helped establish in February. The White House hopes Moscow, as Assad’s key military ally, can pressure the Syrian leader to abide by the cease-fire.

In a statement, the Kremlin said Putin reiterated his commitment to preserving the partial cease-fire, but added that the moderate opposition must “distance themselves swiftly from ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra,” an al-Qaeda affiliate. Neither group is included in the cease-fire agreement and the U.S. is concerned that Assad and Moscow are using the exception as an excuse to attack moderate groups, as they have done previously.

Although Russia has curtailed its operations against rebels since a partial drawdown of its air presence in Syria last month, it continues to supply Assad with weapons and fly sorties against groups it claims to be outside the cease-fire. Some opposition groups have accused Russian aircraft of supporting the renewed Assad assaults against the opposition, though Moscow has denied this.

Last week, Putin blamed renewed violence around Aleppo on rebels.

Obama also asked Putin to take steps to help end what the White House statement called the “significant uptick” in violence in eastern Ukraine, where shelling between pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian troops has been steadily intensifying in recent weeks.

Putin expressed his hope that Ukraine’s new government would make efforts to fulfill its obligations under a peace plan brokered last year.

Despite the vociferous complaints from U.S. officials, a White House spokesman said Obama did not raise the incident with Putin.