Pregnant woman caught on camera tripping boy in Chinese restaurant

She was slapped with a fine and social media indignation.

BEIJING -- A pregnant woman has reportedly been fined for deliberately tripping a 4-year-old boy at a restaurant in northern China, where social media users are questioning her parenting skills.

The incident occurred in Baoji Shanxi Province last Thursday as the child ran through a small restaurant to grab some chopsticks for his parents, who were waiting outside, Chinese media reported.

Video surveillance of the incident has since gone viral in China showing the plastic-strip curtain on a door hitting the pregnant woman in the face as the little boy ran by, causing some of her food to spill. Apparently annoyed and angry, she waited for the boy to run back and then extended her foot, sending him to the floor.

Taking to social media, thousands of people criticized the woman’s action, with many expressing doubts about her capacity to handle motherhood.

The boy’s mother called the police, and the pregnant woman later turned herself in, according to Beijing Youth Daily.

She was fined about $160, according to Chinese media, but authorities spared her 10 days in jail because she is seven months pregnant.