Refugee Crisis: Innovative Ways Germans Are Welcoming Them

Refugees from Syria continue to walk through Europe.

— -- Nearly 20,000 refugees arrived in Munich over the weekend, according to Bavarian authorities. And while there has been sporadic anti-migrant protests across Germany recently, many locals are finding original and heartwarming ways to welcome refugees.

The generosity of the German people has extended beyond train stations from classrooms to kitchens.

In Dresden, a city in eastern Germany, entrepreneurs have launched a smartphone app to help asylum seekers find information on how to register with the authorities, get health insurance and find their way around. Peggy Reuter-Heinrich, the CEO of Heinrich & Reuter Solutions, which worked on the app with Saxonia Systems, said in a statement that the app would help refugees deal with bureaucracy better than paper documents.

Other programs are offering online courses with professors from around the country to provide opportunities for refugees.

In Berlin, a couple has started an "Airbnb" for refugees, where locals are invited to host refugees in their homes for a temporary period of time. To date, more than 780 people have participated, according to a statement from the company "Refugees Welcome."

“We aim to bring together two societies that are living parallel at the moment. Each person has something to offer and if you bring people together they can create something special," Lisa Thaens, an organizer of a cooking class program told ABC News.

In Munich, the beloved German soccer club Bayern Munich recently announced it was donating $1.11 million to help refugees and set up a training camp for children arriving in Munich. They will offer meals and German language classes to the kids taking part in the program.

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