Scientists 'cautiously optimistic' that treatments will save last male white rhino

Last week, the rhino's caregivers in Kenya announced that he was sick.

Today, Sudan's caretakers said they were "cautiously optimistic" that Sudan would respond to treatments being administered by veterinarians on site and that his spirits had been lifted after a bout of heavy rain in the area and a stroll through the grounds.

Sudan's caregivers are continuing to monitor him around the clock, but the possibility that he could be euthanized because of the infection on his leg still looms. The conservancy expressed that it does not want Sudan to "suffer unnecessarily."

Fatu's eggs would likely have to be extracted because the rhinos are not able to reproduce naturally, according to the AP. Semen from dead northern white rhinos is being stored in several places around the world.

In 2015, the Ol Pejeta Conservancy told ABC News four armed rangers in Kenya were guarding Sudan after he was acquired by the Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic.