Iranian Officials: Suicide Bombers Prepped for Strike Against U.K., U.S.

April 17, 2006 -- IRAN

Iran Suicide Bombers 'Ready to Hit Britain'

Iran has formed battalions of suicide bombers to strike at British and American targets if the nation's nuclear sites are attacked. According to Iranian officials, 40,000 trained suicide bombers are ready for action. (Sunday Times)

New Worry Rises after Iran Claims Nuclear Steps

Iran's advanced work with uranium suggests ties to a global black market for nuclear technology. (NY Times)

Iran Has Raised Efforts to Obtain U.S. Arms Illegally, Officials Say

The Iranian government has intensified efforts to illegally obtain weapons technology from the United States, contracting with dealers across the country for spare parts to maintain its aging American-made air force planes, its missile forces and its alleged nuclear weapons program, according to federal law enforcement authorities. (Washington Post)

Washington Whispers

Iranian Nukes? Hey, What's the Rush? The main lesson that the Senate Intelligence Committee drew from the run-up to the Iraq war was that Washington needs intense scrutiny of intelligence on weapons of mass destruction. So with all the buzz about nukes in Iran, it would be safe to assume that the committee is deep into an inquiry, right? Well, not quite. (U.S. News & World Report)

Analysis: In Response to Iran: Two Saudi and Egyptian Bombs

Iran announced that it has unraveled the nuclear riddle, succeeded in enriching uranium, and acquired the ability to possess nuclear fuel, but wait, Iran says that it does not intend to use it to produce nuclear weapons, a statement that Tehran will find very few believe. (Asharq al Awsat)


US-Led Forces Probe Afghan Civilian Deaths

U.S. forces in Afghanistan have launched an investigation into the deaths of seven civilians during an offensive against Taliban and other militants over the weekend, the U.S. military said. (Reuters)


Boeing Parts and Rules Bent, Whistle-Blowers Say

Jeannine Prewitt knew there was a problem when the holes wouldn't line up. (Washington Post)


To Spy Veteran, Ma Bell's Alleged Role in NSA Wiretapping Has Familiar Ring

Marty Kaiser is nearly cackling on the telephone as another e-mail arrives. "Oh, you've gotta see this one," he says. (Congressional Quarterly)


Justices Reject Gitmo Detainees' Appeal

Supreme Court refuses to hear case of two Chinese Muslims mistakenly captured as "enemy combatants." The two men cannot be repatriated. (Washington Post)

Testimony Resumes Mon. in Moussaoui Trial

Testimony Resumes Monday in Moussaoui's Death-Penalty Trial With the Defense in Flux. (AP)

'Mafia Boss' Faces Court In May

The alleged head of the Sicilian mafia, Bernardo Provenzano, will make his first court appearance on 2 May after more than 40 years on the run. (BBC)


Chad Reverses Threats to Expel Refugees

Chad's president has reversed earlier threats by officials to forcibly return Sudanese refugees to their country's volatile Darfur region after allegations that Chadian rebels have recruited fighters from the camps, the U.N. refugee chief said Monday. (AP)


Europe Takes Harder Line with Terror Suspects

European governments are increasingly putting prevention of attacks ahead of concern for the civil rights. (International Herald Tribune)


Iraqi Bid to End Impasse Stalls

Leader Postpones Parliament Session. (Washington Post)

Experts Confirm Saddam's Signature on File

Experts Confirm Authenticity of Saddam's Signature on Document Linked to Dujail Crackdown. (AP)

Analysis: An Unkept Promise in Iraq

Let it not be said that Iraqis died needlessly because America walked away from its promise of health clinics. (NY Times)


Keeping Al Qaeda in His Grip

Al Zawahiri Presses Ideology, Deepens Rifts Among Islamic Radicals. (Washington Post)

A History of the Car Bomb:

Part Two: Car Bombs with Wings

In the greatest technology transfer of terrorist technique in history, mujahideen were trained in CIA-sponsored courses to use car bombs - and camel bombs - against the Soviet invaders in Afghanistan. Alumni of these schools, such as Ramzi Yousef, who plotted the first 1993 World Trade Center attack, would soon be plying their trade on every continent. Even Iraq owes its first car bombing to the CIA. (Asia Times)

Part 1: The Poor Man's Air Force
(Asia Times)

The Insider Daily Investigative Report (DIR) is a summary of major news articles and broadcasts relating to investigative news, including international terrorism and developments in Iraq. The DIR is edited daily from foreign and U.S. sources by Chris Isham, Hoda Osman and Ellen Gustafson of the ABC News Investigative Unit. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ABCNEWS.