Half Ton of Bomb Material Stored a Few Miles from the White House

September 8, 2006 -- U.S.

Half Ton of Bomb Material Stored a Few Miles from the White House

With virtually no questions asked, an undercover ABC News team was able to purchase a half ton of one of the world's most dangerous bomb-making materials and move it into a storage shed only a few miles from the White House and the U.S. Capitol. (ABC News)


New Documents Suggest Doubt About 9/11 Air

New documents obtained by ABC News indicate city agencies were divided over whether it was safe to open certain areas around Ground Zero to the public at a time when the New York and federal officials were assuring the community that the air from the fires at burning at Ground Zero in the critical weeks after 9/11 were not a health hazard. (ABC News)

Where Is Osama Bin Laden?

On the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the resounding question: Where is Osama bin Laden? (ABC News)

Analysis: 9/11 and the Beginning Of A New Authoritarianism

By Ralf Dahrendorf

Five years after the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, "9/11" is no longer a mere date. It has entered the history books as the beginning of something new, a new era perhaps, but in any case a time of change. The terrorist bombings in Madrid and London and elsewhere will also be remembered; but it is "9/11" that has become the catchphrase, almost like "August 1914." (Daily Star)

Ted Koppel Examines 'The Price of Security'

Two-part special looks at America's readiness for another terrorist attackWith the first reports of trouble at the World Trade Center, Americans began a process of remembering, recovering and trying to understand what can never be fully understood. (MSNBC)

The Path to 9/11
Harvey Keitel and Mark Whalberg star in this two-part dramatization, based in part on the 9/11 Commission Report, which focuses on efforts to track Islamic terrorists in the wake of the 1993 World Trade Center attack. In Part 1, FBI agents catch one of the bombers, but have trouble convincing higher-ups of the seriousness of the threat as they go after their first big fish: bombing mastermind Ramzi Yousef.
Sunday, September 10 @ 8/7c

Monday, September 11 @ 8/7c(ABC)


Twin Explosions Kill 22 in Western India

Two bombs struck in the crowded streets of the western Indian city of Malegaon as Muslim worshippers were returning from Friday afternoon prayers, killing 22 people and wounding 45, a news report said. (AP)


AQ Khan Network Still Alive: US Think Tank

A US think tank has disputed official claims that what President George Bush calls the "world's most dangerous nuclear trading cartel" run by the father of Pakistan's atomic bomb has been dismantled. (Times of India)

Bombing in Pakistan Kills 5, Wounds 21

A bomb killed at least five people Friday in Pakistan's restive Baluchistan province, police said, blaming supporters of a tribal leader who was recently killed in a government raid. (AP)

Pakistan Admits That Terror Gangs Find Sanctuary In Border Hideouts

President Musharraf admitted yesterday that Taleban and al-Qaeda militants were using Pakistan to carry out cross-border attacks into Afghanistan, but denied that his security services were involved. (The London Times)


Suicide Blast Kills 16 in Kabul

A huge car bomb exploded near the U.S. embassy in Kabul on Friday, killing at least 16 people including up to seven foreigners, the worst suicide attack in the city since the Taliban were overthrown in 2001. (Reuters)

2 GIs Among Bombers' Victims in Kabul

A suicide car bomber struck a convoy of U.S. military vehicles in downtown Kabul on Friday, killing at least 16 people, including two American soldiers, and wounding 29 others, officials and witnesses said. (AP)

1,500 Killed in Baghdad in August Despite Crackdown

More than 1,500 people were killed in Baghdad last month, down by only 14 percent from July, the health ministry said, despite US claims that a security operation had cut murders by half. (AFP)


Indonesia Urges Access to Top Militant Held by U.S

Indonesia urged Washington on Friday to provide access to a militant linked to the 2002 Bali bombings after President Bush said he had been transferred to Guantanamo Bay. (Reuters)


5 More Suspects Held In Danish Terror ProbeA Danish court on Friday jailed five men arrested in an anti-terror sweep after investigators presented additional evidence linking them to an alleged terror plot, a prosecutor said. (AP)


Mexico Arrests Colombian Cartel Leader

Mexican authorities have arrested a major figure in a Colombian cartel responsible for nearly half of the cocaine smuggled into the United States, the U.S. ambassador in Mexico said Friday. (AP)


Egypt Rounds Up 90 Suspected Islamists

Security forces in northern Egypt have arrested more than 90 people suspected of links to radical Islamist groups, a lawyer representing them said Thursday. A group of 70 people was arrested in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, while another group was detained in the Nile Delta town of Damanhour, the lawyer, Mamdouh Ismail, told AFP. (AFP)


Princess Diana Inquest Hearings To Be Held

First Inquest Hearing To Begin More than Nine Years After Diana's Death. (ABC News)


Al Qaeda Support Sinking Among Muslims: Report

Al Qaeda is losing sympathy among the world's Muslims, five years on from the September 2001 attacks on the United States, according to a report published on Friday. (Times of India)

Are We in Denial?

By Diana West

When President Bush offered his detailed account of successes in extracting information from captured al Qaeda terrorists -- information that thwarted numerous attacks at home and abroad -- he was compelling in his defense of the CIA's role in this crucial aspect of the war. (The Washington Times)

Lebanon Between the Fraction and the Whole

by Hassan Haydar

Is not the current popular outcry to topple the majority government a flagrant prevalence of the fraction over the whole and of details over the complete scene? Is not the call for a coup that is being spread and promoted by those marching to the same drum of the Syrian regime. (Al Hayat)

The Insider Daily Investigative Report (DIR) is a summary of major news articles and broadcasts relating to investigative news, including international terrorism and developments in Iraq. The DIR is edited daily from foreign and U.S. sources by Chris Isham, Hoda Osman and Elizabeth Sprague of the ABC News Investigative Unit. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ABCNEWS.