Musharraf: Post 9/11 U.S. Threatened to Bomb Pakistan

September 21, 2006 -- U.S./PAKISTAN

U.S. Threatened to Bomb Pakistan after 9/11:Musharraf

President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan said that after the September 11 attacks the United States threatened to bomb his country if it did not cooperate with America's war campaign against the Taliban in Afghanistan. (Reuters)


Bush, GOP Rebels Agree on Detainee Bill

The Bush administration and Senate Republicans announced agreement Thursday on terms for the interrogation and trial of suspects in the war on terror. (AP)


Alleged 9/11 Planner Faces Gitmo Hearing

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused of masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks, and other alleged terrorists linked to major attacks against the U.S. are expected to face hearings at the Guantanamo prison camp within three months, a military official said Wednesday. (AP)


The Internet: The New Training Ground for Young Terrorist Recruits

The "youthification" of terrorism -- the radicalization of young converts -- is a growing trend among terrorist networks fueled by tech-savvy extremists and their widespread use of the Internet. (ABC News)


Cops Also Using Information Thieves to Get Phone Records

Federal and local law enforcement agencies have bought mobile phone and other personal records from controversial Internet "data brokers," according to congressional investigators now looking into whether questionable practices were used by the Hewlett-Packard company. (ABC News)

Report: Luggage Screening Crisis Looming

A report ordered by the U.S. Congress said a crisis is brewing regarding the ability of U.S. airports to scan luggage for bombs. (UPI)

HP CEO Allowed 'Sting' of Reporter

Memos show senior employees concocted a fictitious tipster who sent bogus information to a reporter to trick her into revealing her sources. (Washington Post)


Courts Set to Admit Wiretap Evidence

The attorney general has thrown his weight decisively behind the use of intercept evidence in court, making it highly likely that the ban on phonetap evidence will be lifted. (The Guardian)


Israel 'Trains Iraqi Kurd Forces'

The BBC has obtained evidence that Israelis have been giving military training to Kurds in northern Iraq. (BBC)

Suicide Car Bomber Kills Six In Northern Iraqi Town

A suicide bomber smashed his car into the house of a tribal leader in the northern Iraq town of Samarra on Wednesday, killing six people and wounding 37, police said. (AFP)

Firing of Judge Sows Disorder in Baghdad Courtroom

Hussein's lawyers storm out of genocide trial after former president clashes with presiding jurist. (Washington Post)


Protest in Hungary Draws 15,000

Thousands of Hungarians surrounded the parliament building here for the third straight night to demand the ouster of the country's prime minister after he admitted to lying "morning, noon and night" to win reelection in April. (Washington Post)

Analysis: Hungary: Unrest and Gyurcsany's Strengthened Hand

In the aftermath of the Sept. 18 release of Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany's audiotaped admission of lying to the nation about Hungary's economy, the scuttlebutt held that his days were numbered -- something protests and riots the night of Sept. 19-20 seemed to support. (Stratfor)


Failed Amman Hotel Bomber To Hang

A Jordanian court sentences a failed Iraqi suicide bomber to death for her role in attacks on hotels in Amman. (BBC)


Chile Seeks U.S. Files on 1976 Assassination

Thirty years after a Chilean-organized hit squad assassinated former Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier and an American colleague on the streets of Washington, investigators here are drawing closer to implicating this country's former dictator, Gen. Augusto Pinochet, in the killings. (NY Times)


Terror Raid Eight Deny Charges

Eight men accused of planning to travel abroad to join a terrorist group only wanted to go on a holiday, their lawyer claimed last night. (Gulf Daily News)


Yemen Arrests Qaeda Suspect Carrying Explosives

Yemeni authorities arrested a man suspected of belonging to al Qaeda in the capital Sanaa on Wednesday, a security source said. (Reuters)


Bin Laden an Intelligence Agent: Naif

Interior Minister Prince Naif yesterday called Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden a silly intelligence agent. He also refuted Western allegations that Saudi Arabia was supporting Bin Laden and his terrorist organization. (Arab News)


Dying as Darfur Awaits Peacekeepers

By Jonah Fisher

Tawilla town is completely empty. Its dust roads still and quiet. (BBC)

Al-Sahab Media: The Strength and Weakness of Al Qaeda

By Diana Mukkaled

Many would rush to the conclusion that the impact of the latest al Qaeda's tapes is exactly as it was a few years ago. but the truth of the matter is that the sight of Osama Bin Laden threatening America and the west, or celebrating the attacks on New York and Washington, or the countless other Video statements released over the years no longer have the same impact on us as they once did. (Asharq al Awsat)

Book Review: The Dream Palace of the Empire: Is Iraq a "Noble Failure"?

By L. Carl Brown

Fouad Ajami is inescapably part of the story of the American adventure in Iraq. In the run-up to the March 2003 invasion, he was one of the most influential intellectual proponents of war, frequently appearing on talk shows and writing in publications. (Foreign Affairs)

The Pope Missed How Central Religion Is To Muslims

By Rami G. Khouri

The controversy over remarks by Pope Benedict XVI on Islam made last week continues to simmer. It could move toward a greater global backlash by angry Muslims against the pope and Christianity itself, or it could fade away in light of his sincere but slightly clipped public expression of regret and sorrow. (The Daily Star)

Ideals and Realities Clash In Bush 'Freedom Agenda'

By Peter Baker

At the United Nations lectern this week, President Bush hailed the spread of democracy. "From Beirut to Baghdad," he said, "people are making the choice for freedom." (Washington Post)

Thailand Reinterprets the Rules of Democracy, Again

By Seth Mydans

The generals billed it as a pro-democracy military coup, and although they had ousted one of the most popular prime ministers in Thailand's history, most commentators here tended to agree on Wednesday. (International Herald Tribune)

The Insider Daily Investigative Report (DIR) is a summary of major news articles and broadcasts relating to investigative news, including international terrorism and developments in Iraq. The DIR is edited daily from foreign and U.S. sources by Chris Isham, Hoda Osman and Elizabeth Sprague of the ABC News Investigative Unit. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ABCNEWS.