Scientology and the BBC: Accusations Fly

John Travolta wants BBC to pull its documentary on Scientology.

May 14, 2007— -- John Sweeney is famous for confronting despots, championing lost causes and travelling through the streets of Harare in the trunk of a car. But faced with Tommy Davis of the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, he totally lost his cool.

Today video of Sweeney screaming at Davis is on YouTube: Filmed and posted by the Church.

"He can dish out, but he certainly can't take it," Mike Rinder, a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, told ABC News. "The tables got turned on him and he was the one who ultimately melted down."

Mr. Sweeney was "video ambushed" while on assignment for the BBC in Los Angeles to investigate the Church of Scientology and the accusations from some quarters that it is, or was, a sinister cult.

The clip of Sweeney's "melt down" appeared on the Internet just hours before his documentary "Scientology and Me" was scheduled to air.

"I look like an exploding tomato and shout like a jet engine," Sweeney wrote today on the BBC's web site. "If you are interested in becoming a TV journalist, it is a fine example of how not to do it."

This is how it happened: Sweeney was wrapping up a seven-day shoot in Los Angeles when Davis approached him to complain angrily that Sweeney had been too easy on an interviewee.

Just inches from Davis' face, Sweeney began to shout with the ferocity of a hair dryer on high. "You were not there at the beginning of that interview," bellowed Sweeney. "You did not hear or record all the interview." Halfway through his rant, Sweeney asks, very calmly: "Do you understand, did you understand that?"

The incident has pitted two powerful institutions against each other. This goes beyond Sweeney vs. Davis. This is the Church of Scientology vs. The BBC.

John Travolta, one of the religion's most high-profile devotees, wrote to the BBC accusing Sweeney of "personal prejudices, bigotry and animosity." The Church is circulating a DVD of its own documentary about Sweeney's investigation to British politicians and is setting up a web site called "panorama-exposed."

The Church of Scientology accuses the BBC of staging an anti-Scientology demonstration in London. "Completely untrue," a BBC spokesperson told ABC News.

The BBC has confronted this furore head-on. Sandy Smith, the editor of Panorama, the documentary strand behind "Scientology and Me," appeared on "BBC Breakfast" and called the Church of Scientology an "extraordinary organization" that has "no way of dealing with any kind of criticism at all."

When I put that claim to Mike Rinder, the Scientologist spokersperson, he laughed. "Do you know how much criticism I have had to take in my life?" he asked.

Sweeney has apologized and his boss Mr. Smith said he does not "condone" Sweeney's behaviour. He said he was "very disappointed" by the reporter's conduct.

But this morning the BBC also showed a clip of Davis getting a little short with Sweeney. Davis accuses the BBC man of referring to Scientology as a cult in an effort to get a reaction. "Well buddy, you got it," he tells Sweeney. "Right here, right now. I'm angry. Real angry." Although not as angry as Sweeney in the now infamous outburst.

Sweeney has given his side of the story on the BBC's web site and also in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper. "I let my team down and I apologized when it happened and I apologize again now," Sweeney begins. He then goes on to explain what drove him to lose control.

After landing in Los Angeles, Sweeney claims, "Our team was spied on by ten different strangers." Mr. Rinder says the BBC team was filmed, not spied upon. "We had a camera and he knew that we were filming," he told me.

Sweeney also writes that Davis, a spokesman for the church, "invaded" interviews and showed up at the crew's hotel late at night to berate them for interviewing people who had left the church.

Sweeney claims it was a Scientology exhibition called, "Psychiatry: Industry of Death" that pushed him over the edge. "At the end of 90 minutes I felt bombarded and unable to bear another single second," Sweeney writes.

Back home in Britain, Sweeney claims a stranger was apprehended sifting through the mail at his mother-in-law's apartment building, that a neighbor was asked by a stranger for Sweeney's address, and that a strange man was seen hiding in the bushes observing Sweeney's own wedding in rural England. According to Mr. Rinder, Sweeney is, "Making those stories up to defend his outrageous conduct."

"Scientologists have fought many battles to keep its secrets off the web," Sweeney laments in his article on the BBC web site. "Now they are using it to attack my investigation into them."

The program was "updated" today in the hours before going to air. According to a BBC spokesperson, what hit the screens "has certainly reflected what happened over the weekend." John Sweeney's "exploding tomato" moment is included. Apparently it was included all along. "Them posting the clip on YouTube: That's not what precipitated us including John's outburst," the spokesperson told ABC News.

Apparently "reference to him losing his temper" was sent out weeks ago to newspapers and magazines preparing the TV listings.