Suicide Attack 100 Killed


Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 106 in Iraq

Suicide bomber kills more than 100, wounds 133 in attack south of Baghdad. (AP)

Map: Where The Attack Happened (The Guardian)

Syria 'Gave Up' Brother of Saddam

Syria handed over a highly wanted half-brother of Saddam Hussein who is suspected of funding and planning the post-war insurgency, Iraqi sources say. (BBC)

Inquiry Into Iraqi Prisoner Abuse

The head of the British Army has ordered an inquiry into the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by three British soldiers near Basra in May 2003. (BBC)

Ex-Saddam Regime Members to Go on Trial

Special tribunal says five former Saddam regime members will be tried for crimes against humanity. (AP)

Al Qaeda Mocks Reports of Zarqawi Aides' Arrests

Al Qaeda's wing in Iraq dismissed Sunday reports that top aides of its leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had been arrested, saying U.S.-led forces were trying to boost low morale, according to an Internet statement. (Reuters)

Rethink On Secrecy Over Iraq Legal Advice

The government has promised to make a new decision by March 11 on whether to release the advice given by the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, on the legality of the invasion of Iraq. (The Guardian)

Bulgarian Sources: Dangerous Illness Affecting Foreign Troops In Iraq

A dangerous illness is spreading amongst foreign troops in Iraq, military and medical Bulgarian sources said. There are 18 coalition soldiers suffering from problems with the lungs as a result. Bulgarian troops have not been affected, but officers are meeting to discuss prevention. (Asharq Al Awsat)



Terror Suspect Admits Plane Plot

British terror suspect Saajid Badat plotted to blow up an aeroplane on its way to the US using a "shoe bomb". (BBC)


Pressed, Iran Admits It Discussed Acquiring Nuclear Technology

As the International Atomic Energy Agency prepares to open a meeting today to review Tehran's nuclear program, Iranian officials have reluctantly turned over new evidence strongly suggesting that Iran discussed acquiring technologies central to making nuclear arms and hid that fact for 18 years, according to American and European officials. (NY Times)


Arabiya TV Says Threatened Over Syria Broadcast

Syrian intelligence sent death threats to Al Arabiya television after it aired an interview with U.N. chief Kofi Annan in which he urged Syria to withdraw from Lebanon by April, a source at the station said Sunday. (Reuters)


Mass Killer Held After 30 Years of Terror

Police in Kansas announced on Saturday they have arrested a man they believe is a brutal serial killer who has terrorized the city of Wichita for more than a quarter of a century. (The Observer)

Abu Ali Linked To Saudi Arabia Al Qaeda Leader

A Falls Church man accused of conspiring to assassinate President Bush met several times with an al Qaeda leader in Saudi Arabia who once was the target of a global manhunt and a key suspect in an attack that killed nine Americans in Riyadh, law-enforcement authorities said. (Washington Times)

Within C.I.A., Worry of Prosecution for Conduct

There is widening unease within the Central Intelligence Agency over the possibility that career officers could be prosecuted or otherwise punished for their conduct during interrogations and detentions of terrorism suspects, according to current and former government officials. (NY Times)

Security On U.S.-Bound Planes to Be Tightened

The Department of Homeland Security is drafting a law that will require all international airlines to pass on their passenger manifest information as much as an hour before departure, officials told Arab News. (Arab News)


Pakistan Denies CIA Agents Engaged in Local Hunt for Bin Laden

Pakistan on Monday denied a report that CIA agents were searching for Al Qaeda terror network chief Osama bin Laden on its soil. (Deutsche Presse-Agentur)



Court Quashes Death Verdict, Upholds Another Over Cole Bomb

A Yemeni appeals court yesterday overturned the death sentence against one of the suspects convicted for the October 2000 bombing attack on the US Navy destroyer Cole, but upheld the death verdict against another. (Arab News)


Bangladesh 15 On Sedition Charges

Fifteen suspected leaders of radical Islamic groups have been charged with sedition in Bangladesh. (BBC)


Can Syria Escape Unscathed from the Lebanese Crisis?

Syria was fragile before the murder of Rafiq Hariri. It is now in danger. (Al Hayat)

The Blame For The Iraq War Lies With Our Supine Cabinet

Why did our ministers not question the attorney general's legal advice? (The Guardian)

It's Called Torture

"Extraordinary rendition" is the euphemism for seizing individuals and shipping them off to countries known to practice torture. (NY Times)

CIA Moves to Second Fiddle in Intelligence Work

The nomination of John D. Negroponte as national director of intelligence this month signaled the end of the CIA's nearly 60-year run as the undisputed center of power and influence in the secret world of intelligence. (Washington Post)

Adnan and Jim, Or How To Save Iraq

Let's call it the "Adnan and Jim Strategy." These two soldiers exemplify the new U.S. plan to stabilize Iraq by training Iraqi security forces and embedding U.S. combat advisers with them. (Daily Star)

The Insider Daily Investigative Report (DIR) is a summary of major news articles and broadcasts relating to investigative news, including international terrorism and developments in Iraq. The DIR is edited daily from foreign and U.S. sources by Chris Isham, Hoda Osman and Brinda Adhikari of the ABC News Investigative Unit. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ABCNEWS.