Honduras Legislates Against Odd Names

T E G U C I G A L P A, Honduras, Oct. 5, 2000 -- A bid to limit bizarre names for children, announced by Honduran authorities, may seem like much ado about nothing.

Unless you’re named Bujia (Spark Plug.) Or Llanta de Milagro(Miracle Tire.)

Both are legally registered first names that parents in thisCentral American nation have given children in recent years, andwhich Honduras’ National Electoral Tribunal feels are over the top.

The tribunal, which oversees the country’s public birthregistry, announced Tuesday it will ask the country’s legislatureto forbid parents from registering children under “extravagant oroffensive” names, and allow children to sue parents who gave them“gross or insulting” names.

“Without doubt, such names are a bother to the people who haveto carry them through life,” the tribunal said.

Motor, Meet Spark Plug

Particularly irksome are naming practices in Gracias a Dios — aprovince of eastern Honduras whose name translates as “ThankGod.”

“It is common [there] for people to employ names usually usedfor automobile parts,” the tribunal said.

A young man there named Motor Martinez could meet a young lady — not a relative — named Bujia Martinez.

Also banned would be names of well-known personalities.According to electoral rolls, at least one Honduran bears the firstname Bill Clinton, and another Ronald Reagan.