Fuel Protests Focus on Scandinavia

Sept. 18, 2000 -- The wave of fuel price protests sweeping through Europe regained momentum today after a weekend lull, forcing already shaken governments to implement political damage control measures.

In Norway, truckers called a wildcat strike and blocked 11 oil terminals at key ports along the south and west coasts, but later called off their protest under threat of police action.

The truckers gave up the call for a strike after state oil firm Statoil asked police to stop the blockade, citing economic losses and a risk of claims from large customers if it continued.

“Statoil has reported the blockade to the police and we have therefore decided to call off the demonstrations immediately,” the independent Car Owners’ Interest Associations said in a statement today.

Norway underwent a weekend of panic especially in remote areas of the country where cars are a vital part of everyday life.

Oil companies said that Norway’s 3.2 million barrels per day output had been unaffected by the blockade. The nation is the second biggest exporter after Saudi Arabia.

Sweeping the Continent

Protests in Europe centered around Scandinavia but blockades sprang up at the Spanish port of Barcelona and in Slovenia. Israeli truckers threatened to stage their own demonstrations starting on Tuesday.

Spain was the focus of some tough action as fishermen in Barcelona sealed off the port and truckers laid siege to fuel distribution points in the center of the country.

In Sweden, truckers and farmers today blocked access to ferries, which are the country’s lifeline to the rest of Europe. Similar actions were taken in Denmark.

In the Netherlands, go-slow protests, which caused rush-hour misery last week, were suspended after a major demonstration Friday as truckers, taxi drivers and farmers were mulling government offers of a series of rebates and tax concessions.

The German government was scrambling to achieve unity within its own ranks ahead of a planned major boycott campaign by truckers and farmers scheduled to start Thursday.

Austria has not experienced any protests, so far even as the government is holding out the prospect of doubling the annual winter heating cost allowance for lower income families. These are only available in some provinces. The government wants to expand them nationwide.

The British Lesson

Most European governments were plunged into action after the bruising Britain’s Labor government received following the hard line adopted by Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Polls across the continent showed that the general public strongly supported the blockades. A weekend poll in Britain put the opposition Conservatives ahead of Labor for the first time in eight years

As gasoline supplies in Britain gradually got back to normal, the government said it would ask oil companies to sign a joint memorandum outlining respective duties in case protesters angry about high fuel prices staged another blockade.

A task force of government ministers and oil representatives was scheduled to meet this afternoon to discuss the memorandum, which the government would like signed ahead of planned legislation obliging oil companies to maintain fuel deliveries at all times.

This would put them on the same footing as essentialservices like gas and water.

“It will formalize what the responsibilities were on thegovernment should there be a repeat of things, and what theresponsibilities were on the oil companies,” Blair’s spokesman said.

Legislation would not be introduced before late November, he indicated. “We want to legislate quickly, because a structural weakness has been shown in the events of last week,” he said.

“But we can’t have policy dictated to us…the government is not conducting its business or working towards an arbitrary 60 day deadline that has been given to us.”

Ireland Joins Fray

Irish fishermen today said they would tie up their boats in ports around the country in a 24-hour protest over high fuel prices.

Up to 90 percent of the country’s fishing fleet is expectedto join the 24-hour stoppage, scheduled to begin at midday on Tuesday, said a spokesman for Ireland’s fishermen’s organizations.

“We’re asking our members in various key ports to join whatis a token protest at fuel prices,” said Joey Murrin, chiefexecutive of the Killybegs Fishermen’s Organization in thenorthwestern county of Donegal.

High fuel prices had hit the fishing industry hardest,causing losses estimated at $16.3million in the first eight months of the year, he said.

“We’re here and we’re in trouble. If this situationcontinues we’ll be tying up our boats permanently,” he added.

ABCNEWS.com's Sue Masterman, The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.