Watch Koala Brought Back to Life in Dramatic Rescue

Workers performed mouth-to-mouth to save "Sir Chompsalot."

— -- Firefighters and wildlife workers in Melbourne, Australia, performed lifesaving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on an unconscious, injured koala Thursday, a dramatic effort that was captured on video.

Rescuers dropped the koala from a tree to crews below holding a blanket.

A worker from the Animalia Wildlife Shelter performed mouth-to-mouth and rubbed the koala’s chest, while a firefighter from the Frankston Fire Brigade gave the koala oxygen through a tube.

“C’mon, wake up,” a woman said.

The koala eventually woke up, groaning – drawing relief from the rescuers, who nicknamed the animal “Sir Chompsalot.”

He was later taken to a local animal hospital for treatment.