World Leaders Pile on Donald Trump for Plan to Bar Muslims

An Indonesian religious leader predicts the remarks will "backfire."

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls echoed Cameron, tweeting this morning, "Mr. Trump, like others, strokes hatred and confusion: our only enemy is radical Islam."

"Trump claimed that Muslims hate Americas and they pose a threat to America. This is nonsense. Islam calls for coexistence, integration and cooperation among all people on earth,” the educational institute told ABC News. "It is unfair to punish all Muslims because of a group of fanatics whom the Islamic Sharia condemned for their criminal activities."

In Indonesia, a country that more than 200 million Muslims call home, Muhyidin Junaidi, the head of foreign affairs at the top Muslim clerical body, said such remarks will “backfire” on Trump. “Muslims in America will not vote for him,” he said.

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