101-Year-Old Woman Playing in the Snow Is Absolutely Delightful

“It’s awe-inspiring," Armand Foisy said of his mom's infectious attitude.

— -- The next time you’re complaining about the cold winter weather, remember to take a chapter from this 101-year-old woman’s book.

But once Armand uploaded his mother’s adorable reaction to the fresh snowfall, Internet users' hearts collectively melted. The video now has more than 5.5 million views.

“It’s snowing quite a bit,” Albina says in the video.

The mother and son had decided to take a drive since it was a rainy day, but then it began to snow, a rare occurrence in their quaint inland town.

“It started snowing more and more and I stopped for just a moment to make sure there’s no traffic coming in the other direction,” Armand recalled. “Mum undoes her seatbelt and steps out.”

The next thing he knows, she’s frolicking in the snowflakes and beginning to roll up a snowball.

“Oh my, oh my, oh my,” Albina excitedly says in the video while she’s packing up her perfect snowball.

“She always uses the same phrase, ‘Oh my, oh my,’ when she is extremely excited about something,” Armand explained. “It’s such a warm feeling to get.”

Albina, who was born on Oct. 6, 1914, has certainly remained young at heart her entire life. It wasn’t until February of this year that she moved out of her home and in with Armand and his wife.

“We laugh a lot, it’s a family thing,” said Armand. “She’s extremely bright. There’s no sign at all of mental degeneration. Physical yes, but this moment for us is not unique. There are more of those and there have been, but this has resonated with everyone.”

When asked why Armand thinks it has resonated so well with others, his answer was simple.

“It is sheer delight, and she can express it genuinely. People around her feel that,” he said. “It’s awe-inspiring. It’s really quite unique. She’s a universal grandma.”