Baby Boy Loses His Mind With Excitement Every Time Food Is Served

“I wish I could say I'm an amazing cook!” his mom said.

— -- We all know that giddy feeling we get right before an awesome meal is about to be served. Well 17-month-old Milo Wolfe gets that feeling ALL. THE. TIME.

He, quite literally, cannot contain his excitement any time he sees food, even if it’s not his.

Take a look at this adorable video Milo’s mom, Danae Wolfe, compiled of her baby boy’s ridiculously enthusiastic reactions any time he lays eyes on food coming his way.

“Milo has been reacting this way to food for about three months now,” Wolfe, of Wooster, Ohio, told ABC News. “I really remember taking notice when he squealed with delight when a server walked by our table with a tray full of food for ANOTHER table. I thought the reaction was so funny and the look of disappointment upon Milo realizing the food wasn't ours was so relatable.”

Wolfe said she wishes she could attribute Milo’s overjoyed responses to her good cooking, but alas, she doesn’t think that’s the case.

“I wish I could say I'm an amazing cook!” she said. “I honestly think Milo enjoys the excitement of being surprised by what a server is bringing to the table. He tends to have big, excited reactions when we eat at restaurants, but not so much at home when he sees what we're preparing.”

His all-time favorite foods are bananas though, so it’s safe to say servers should steer-clear if they’ve got banana splits in tow.